Practitioners – Books

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  • To flourish is an act and not a state. This act is choice-worthy in its own right (Aristotle). This means that flourishing is not exclusively dependent on a circumstance (rich/poor, lockdown/no lockdown, healthy/sick), but rather a state of mind, no matter the circumstance. A living example for me was my grandmother. She had a rudimentary education, […]

    Emotional Wealth in Times of Economic Depression

    To flourish is an act and not a state. This act is choice-worthy in its own right (Aristotle). This means…

  • Srinivasa Ramanujan via Wikipedia Commons My father, a south-Indian from a traditional Coimbatore home, was passionate about numbers and my childhood was spent listening to stories of very particular hero’s; No, not Wonder woman – He told me about Srinivasa Ramanujan who he said, finished a three hour math exam in thirty minutes and came up with multiple solutions […]

    For the Love of Math, 1

    Srinivasa Ramanujan via Wikipedia Commons My father, a south-Indian from a traditional Coimbatore home, was passionate about numbers and my…